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How to Hire Your First Employee as a Self-Employed Entrepreneur and Why it Should be an Assistant

As a self-made entrepreneur, you are a master of delegation, utilizing every tool and resource at your disposal to maximize productivity...
As a self-made entrepreneur, you are a master of delegation, utilizing every tool and resource at your disposal to maximize productivity and success. But what happens when you reach the point where you need to bring on someone else to help shoulder the load? The thought of hiring your first employee can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling unsure of where to start. But don’t worry, because the solution to your problem may be closer than you think.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hiring a virtual assistant can be a budget-friendly and flexible option for self-employed entrepreneurs who need assistance with administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on growing their business.
  • Before hiring a virtual assistant, it’s important to assess your business needs, search for the right fit, screen candidates, and onboard them with clear guidelines and expectations.
  • When hiring an assistant, self-employed entrepreneurs should consider factors such as the assistant’s skills, experience, work style, compensation, benefits, and legal obligations such as taxes and labor laws.
  • Effective communication, ongoing feedback and support, clear lines of authority and delegation, and building trust are key to building a successful working relationship with an assistant.

Enter the wonder that is the virtual assistant. With the advancements in technology, virtual assistants are now more accessible and capable than ever before. They can help with a wide range of tasks, from scheduling appointments to managing your email inbox, freeing up your time to focus on the big picture.
So, how do you take the first step in incorporating a virtual assistant into your business? Don’t fret, because in this article, we’ll guide you through the process of seamlessly onboarding a virtual assistant and unlocking the true power of delegation. Get ready to streamline your workload and take your business to new heights!

Say Hello to the Benefits of a Virtual Assistant


Virtual assistants are often paid by the hour or project, making them an economical option for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs.

Boosted Productivity:

By delegating tasks to a virtual assistant, you can reclaim time to focus on the vital aspects of your business, leading to increased productivity and growth.

Expertise at Your Fingertips:

Virtual assistants are often seasoned in specific areas such as administrative duties, customer service, and marketing. Their skills can greatly enhance your business.


Virtual assistants can work from anywhere, offering businesses the gift of flexibility. You can adjust their workload to fit the demands of your business.
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done, because they want to do it.” – Dwight Eisenhower

Steps to Hire Your First Employee

1. Assess Your Needs:

Before starting your virtual assistant search, take some time to examine your business requirements. What tasks need to be delegated? What skills should your virtual assistant possess? Having a clear understanding of your needs will help you find the perfect match for your business.

2. Search for the Right Fit:

There are several platforms where you can find virtual assistants such as, Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. I started off using Fiverr and as my business grew I hired my first full time employee, a virtual assistant, with! From SEO to website design to Youtube promotion! Utilize these resources to find a candidate who meets your criteria.

3. Screen Candidates:

After compiling a list of potential virtual assistants, conduct preliminary interviews to screen them. Ask questions related to their experience, skills, and availability to determine if they are the right fit for your business.

4. Onboard with Ease:

Once you’ve hired a virtual assistant, it’s crucial to provide clear guidelines and instructions to ensure a smooth onboarding process. Establish expectations for communication, deadlines, and workload.
In conclusion, hiring your first employee as a self-made entrepreneur can be intimidating, but it can also bring immense benefits to your business.
 By choosing a virtual assistant, you can save time, increase productivity, and tap into specific areas of expertise. Follow the steps outlined above, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful virtual assistant hire and onboarding.


Q: Why should a self-employed entrepreneur hire an assistant as their first employee?

A: Hiring an assistant as a first employee can help a self-employed entrepreneur to delegate administrative tasks and focus on growing their business. An assistant can provide valuable support in handling routine tasks, freeing up the entrepreneur’s time to focus on more important activities like strategic planning, business development, and customer service.

Q: What are some of the important things to consider when hiring an assistant?

A: When hiring an assistant, a self-employed entrepreneur should consider factors such as the assistant’s skills, experience, and availability. They should also assess the assistant’s work style to ensure compatibility with their own. Other important considerations include compensation, benefits, and legal obligations such as taxes and labor laws.

Q: How can a self-employed entrepreneur find and attract the right assistant for their business?

A: Self-employed entrepreneurs can find potential assistants by posting job listings on online job boards or social media platforms. They can also consider networking and referrals from trusted sources. To attract the right candidate, entrepreneurs should clearly outline the job responsibilities and qualifications, and provide a compelling compensation package that includes benefits and opportunities for growth.

Q: What legal and financial considerations should a self-employed entrepreneur be aware of when hiring an assistant?

A: When hiring an assistant, a self-employed entrepreneur must comply with local labor laws and tax regulations. They may need to register their business, obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN), and provide workers’ compensation insurance. Additionally, entrepreneurs should calculate and budget for the costs associated with salaries, benefits, and taxes.

Q: How can a self-employed entrepreneur effectively manage their assistant and build a successful working relationship?

A: Effective communication is key to building a successful working relationship with an assistant. Entrepreneurs should clearly define their expectations and provide ongoing feedback and support. They should also establish clear lines of authority and delegation, and ensure that the assistant has the necessary resources and tools to perform their job effectively. Finally, entrepreneurs should build trust and foster a positive work culture that recognizes and rewards the assistant’s contributions to the business. Reach out to Mary Carlson, a seasoned real estate professional and business owner, that will help you reach your goals, today by using the Contact form below or emailing me at !

Meet Mary Brapp

A San Diego-based entrepreneur who’s passionate about motorcycles, videography, and real estate.


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